Tiny Tina, the quest giving NPC in Borderlands 2, has long been criticized by players. But for the most part, people have taken issue with how she's annoying. But over the past two days, there are now accusations that she's also racist.
Things began when Mike Stacco, of Cryptozoic Entertainment (which produces card games based upon World of Warcraft, Penny Arcade, and The Big Bang Theory, to name a few), stated on Twitter:
Hey. I really like BL2's writing, but Tiny Tina's trope of "white girl talkin' like them urban folk!!" has got to go
Anthony Burch, the writer of the game, responded with a no, plus also admitted that she's a divisive character for being so annoying in so many people's eyes. To that end, Stacco responded with:
She's a "divisive" character because the character is actively racist.
From there, the internet exploded, as it typically does over such matters. Many people chimed in, on both sides of the fence. At this point, Burch states that he may end up revising the character if there is enough of a response to convince him that it is indeed a problem:
The last thing I want to be is exclusionary or prejudiced, so if Tina truly is problematic I'll change her.
Though Burch also notes that he would not be able to go back and chance how Tiny Tina is in Borderlands 2, due to technical restraints. Instead, she might be written differently in other games.
My two cents: speaking as someone who has white friends who does indeed talk like the character in question, I do find the conversation to be an interesting one to say the least.
Yet I am hesitant on calling Tiny Tina's critics ignorant (or perpetuating racism themselves, as many have already insinuated). Instead, I feel that they are simply not exposed to certain type of folks. Though sadly, unfamiliarity of people's diversity and their unique qualities, along with the fear of them, is the direct cause of racism.
I also find it hilarious how more people have a problem with a 13-year-old girl using a certain form of slang than her being the catalyst of such bloody violence. It really shows where some people's priorities are. Note: I have no issue with her role in the game either, I just find one thing being more offensive than the other rather telling.