Clea Concept Art For Doctor Strange Movie Revealed!
Approved and looking great!
Tom Holland is relieved he's not alone.
Daredevil killed off as he enters MCU...
Will Poulter is Adam Warlock in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3.
Progression of character is something that every show (that is worth its salt) tries to do, and in meaningful ways. Because if you don’t grow, evolve, and so on, you stay stagnant. And that goes double for superhero stories, as people WANT to see their characters grow in meaningful ways as they do their superhero …
"Oh gosh, we'll die".
You never forget your first...
James Gunn's The Guardians and the Galaxy Vol 3. pays a well deserved tribute to Tony Stark's Iron Man after his death.
The Marvel Multiverse is getting its very own card battler game, it has been revealed. Officially announced earlier today, MARVEL SNAP is being developed by Second Dinner and published by Nuverse who together have created the card collecting and battling game in collaboration with Marvel Entertainment. MARVEL SNAP will see players taking control of over …
Marvel Games are on a massive upswing right now, both in critical reception, quality, and now, they’re becoming even more prolific in number. In just a matter of hours, 10AM PST on May 19th, as a matter of fact, Marvel Entertainment tweeted out that we’ll get to learn all about the next title that focuses …