First Screenshots from the Red Dead Redemption Legends and Killers DLC Pack
Four brand new screenshots for Red Dead Redemption's upcoming DLC
Four brand new screenshots for Red Dead Redemption's upcoming DLC
The book was published in late 1989, based on a tour and interview session at Nintendo of Japan in July of that same year
Nearly everyone with a modern computer should be able to play Starcraft 2
Microsoft confirmed today that there will be no third season for their Xbox 360 version of 1 Vs. 100 and that the game won't be returning.
God of War: Ghost of Sparta Waterway Gameplay Movie shows impressive graphics
The ranger is a jack-of-all-trades and a master of them all as well, relying on his keen eye, steady hand, or the power of nature itself
Sources close to the San Diego development team have said a significant amount of the studio was laid off on Wednesday
Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes release date announced
FirstPlay confirms Killzone 3 has 4-player co-op
A videogame invasion has hit Mt Hood and High Cascade!
Tim Schafer blasts Kotick for handling things without being a total prick
Gary Newman, 'Apart from a few bugs, everything else seems to work no problem'
Halo Reach Legendary edition packaging is pure awesome
Why choose PSN? It was the only way we could self-publish. XBLA is kind of a slaughterhouse for smaller developers.
Kane and Lynch 2 now releasing ahead of schedule
The new gameplay shows the improved passing system offers, dribbling mechanic, feint system and defensive play.
Dragon Age 2 first screenshots show the new artistic direction for Dragon Age 2
Cutest Chun Li cosplay will make you go AWWWWWW
DEUS EX: THE ICARUS EFFECT, a forthcoming novel from Del Ray books announced
If the player keeps firing on the jetpack's fuel tank it will eventually rupture and ignite, propelling the screaming trooper skyward in a ball of flame.
Ubisoft's UK marketing head, 'I believe with the success of Assassin's 2 we have now got an opportunity to position ourselves as one of the true triple-A blockbusters'
The GTX 460 is available at a reasonably affordable price of $199 and is actually in a few areas faster than the GTX 465