GameStop and Activision-Blizzard Ink Digital Distribution Deal
GameStop and ActiBlizzard conspire to keep GameStop alive.
GameStop and ActiBlizzard conspire to keep GameStop alive.
Paradox Interactive’s MMO goes into BETA end of April 2012.
Based on classic horror films and more recent video games, The Mall is an experience you'll never forget.
The new trailer for Ridge Racer Unbounded looks especially rad.
It's an Adventure time DS game coming your way yo!
Rumours that Kojima is working on a remake of the original Metal Gear might be a little previous, he doesn't want to do a remake because he'd have to rewrite parts of the story.
Watch the first ever official trailer of Epic Mickey 2.
Yearly franchises always run the risk of running sour, so EA asked how to improve FIFA in the 2013 instalment. They got more than a few replies.
The CEO of the company behind Aliens Vs Predator are worried that Metacritic may stifle creativity and make all games the same.
At the same time as the Video Games industry gets a tax break, the "granny" tax is going to make pensioners worse off. Wait a second, doesn't that mean that the video game developers are robbing the elderly?
You can check out Shepard's N7 armor in Final Fantasy XIII-2 now.
Hey you! Do you like monster flesh? Then watch this Pandora's Tower Pre-launch trailer
Death takes on a force larger than life in this Darksiders 2 Trailer
What happens when you have a priest selling his DS? A crime...because of pronz!
Collect Angry Birds Space Golden Eggs: We've put together this handy guide to help you collect all the golden eggs in Angry Birds Space.
Starhawk will let you play the game in splitscreen mode with a buddy or an imaginary friend.
Rockstar claims Max Payne 3 for the PC is not a port, with support for DX11.
It's a cool video, but we wish they'd shut the hell up.
Internet folk have been scouring the galaxy so that you don't have to.
There's going to be some pretty great deals on Square Enix titles over the weekend so prepare your wallet.
If you felt you'd spent more on games over the last 12 month than ever before, it might not just be because there have been more quality titles.
He's a Nintendo fanboy, but don't hold that against him.
Valve intends to launch DOTA 2 in China.