Introducing Industrial Toys, a New Studio by Halo Creator
Will be focused on mobile games.
Will be focused on mobile games.
Seb Wuepper thinks the industry should rethink the demand for videogame movies. He asks: what are people really after?
Give these people your money. You know you want to.
Binary Domain is almost upon us, and with it, SEGA has put out some new details about the game's multiplayer modes.
Valve and NECA are working together to bring the Portal gun to real life, along with some spiffy action figures.
Arma 3 gets delayed, but it's for a good reason.
Nexon plans to release an online FPS called Shadow Company.
The song of the Dragonborn has never been this epic.
The second part of the Shogun 2 reveal explores the game's new setting.
Best PS Vita Games - In this article, we take a look at the five best PS Vita games at launch.
Other than a post on the EU PlayStation blog's Twitter account that says we'll be getting PlayStation 1 classics on Vita soon, we've had very little information about when the feature will be patched in. Shuhei Yoshida explains why.
Shuhei Yoshida explains why we need to either buy a full priced digital PSP title or go without.
Disappointed that Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories doesn't run on your Vita? Actually, it does.
In a very interesting move, Killzone 3's multiplayer component will be available to all from next week.
Christopher Gooche has to change his Gamertag because somebody might be offended by his second name.
Sadly, it looks like the infamous Medal of Honor beard has been replaced with generic stubble.
The old classic Jet Set Radio has resurfaced on today's modern consoles.
Demiurge Studios' Shoot Many Robots will hit both PSN and XBL next month.
Blizzard's Project Titan reportedly embracing free-to-play model.
Max Payne 3 on the PC looks better than its console counterparts.
A retailer has started taking preorders for God of War IV, which has yet to be officially announced.
Uncharted 3 gets a new patch that adds support for a new DLC and some technical fixes.