Among other improvements compared to its predecessor, realistic dynamic physics will play an important role in the game, it basically allow players to use ladders, chairs and tables more realistically in the upcoming WWE game, Smackdown vs Raw 2011.
Platforms xbox360
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011 Reviews xbox360 review
A world of user created content is just a few button presses away from the main menu and un-lockable content can be easily obtained for a small price of 80 Microsoft points if you’re feeling a little lazy. Rest assured that there’s enough content here to justify a purchase and the refined gameplay experience is worth a trade up. I may have had a few issues with some design decisions, minor bugs and the online multiplayer, but overall Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 is worth the price of admission.
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Yuke’s and THQ set the bar quite high with last year’s rendition of this franchise, and they could have easily taken the year off and rested on their accomplishments. It is quite impressive to see that the development team has stayed hungry and added some key elements to this franchise that fans are going to go absolutely wild over. The expanded options in Create a Story, the increased roster to choose from, the cleaner user interface, and the persistent world feel that WWE Universe provides all combine to make an already great game even better. Throw in the online Royal Rumble and you’ve got an unbeatable combination of single player as well as multiplayer action. Long time fans of this series will be impressed with all the new improvements and newcomers to this franchise will be treated to an experience they won’t soon forget.
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I have to hand it to Yukes, they keep making this game better and better each year. Perfection is still a ways off, but it’s a path that they are consistently making headway with. WWE Universe could use some more Superstar interaction, maybe via some trash talking interviews or adding backstage brawls to the mix. Road to Wrestlemania needs to see a more beefed-up backstage area and an overhaul for the pseudo-RPG system. The commentary needs to be totally revamped along with another look at the counter system. Despite all that though, it was hard to walk away from Smachdown vs Raw 2011. It’s still the best wrestling experience on the market and is easily worth the $60 investment. Tons of unlockables are to be had, the WWE Universe mode can easily suck you in for hours and the various customization options – such as the new branching story options – will keep the user-created content fans busy forever…or at least until SvR 2012 comes around.
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While it lacks in a few areas, Smackdown vs Raw 2011 has raised the bar with the unpredictable WWE Universe mode, Road to WrestleMania and Match Creation system. This is like a sandbox wrestling title; the WWE is your playground, do with it what you will. Give Zack Ryder a push for World Champ – I did.
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The audio is a step down from the norm. The commentary has been downgraded quite a bit. Instead of having three teams of commentators like prior games, there’s now just one – Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler, and it isn’t particularly good. There isn’t much interplay between them, and nothing they say has much passion behind it – it’s very much by-the-numbers commentary that adds nothing to the experience as a whole. Sound effects are perfectly fine usually, but the Elimination Chamber still sounds off. Instead of it sounding like you’re landing on steel, it sounds like landing on concrete, which isn’t the least bit accurate or satisfying.
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WWE SmackDown vs Raw 2011 is yet another solid game in the long running franchise. WIth great visuals and good sound combined with a long lasting single player experience and well implemented online experience, WWE fans and casual gamers alike will find a lot to like here. THQ and Yukes continue to do the WWE name proud, lets just hope they continue this run of releasing solid wrestling games.
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With so much to do in SvR 2011 it is hard to imagine that THQ would even consider putting out another game until 2013. Each of the 5 Road to Wrestlemania stories will last an average of 4 hours and the WWE Universe mode is literally endless. Add in the online game types, all the different “create-your-own†options, and the promise of future DLC packs and it adds up to an infinite amount replay value. If one thing gets old there are so many other choices to give the game a fresh, new feel.
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I have seen moves like that in person when I attend WWE live events and it is great to see them included in this year’s version. Overall, Smackdown vs Raw 2011 is a fantastic title. It’s not perfect but it is a title that I had a lot of fun with and one that I will keep coming back to. The way that THQ expanded the online offerings for this title should make a lot of fans happy. If you are a WWE fan or a wrestling fan in general you owe it to yourself to check out this title. You won’t be disappointed and you’ll be surprised how much fun it is to throw your friends over the top rope.
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SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 definitely doesn’t overhaul the formula like 2010 did, but I think the format of the game is in a good place right now. The additions made to the Road to Wrestlemania mode as well as the totally immersive WWE Universe mode are ample incentive for wrestling fans to pick this one up. And of course, add that to the improved creation modes, suped-up visuals, and of course online modes (which now support more Royal Rumble players), and you’ve got another solid title in a franchise that has made a habit of not disappointing fans. And with plenty of DLC coming for this title in the next few months, you can bet that you’ll get some lasting value from WWE SmackDown vs. Raw, even after you’ve unlocked every wrestler, completed all the Road to Wrestlemania storylines and created your perfect career in the WWE Universe mode.
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There are a ton of new features as well as dozens of little changes that tweak the formula further and get that much closer to perfecting everything the SvR series has tried to do over the years. That doesn’t mean it’s perfect, though, and this game is still made almost entirely for fans of wrestling – almost entirely without regard to the rest of the gaming world. I don’t know if a game that tries to satisfy both groups will be better than what we have now, and at some point, THQ and Yuke’s should take a step back and re-evaluate. But not this year. This year, I’m determined to defeat the Undertaker in Road to Wrestlemania mode.
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if you’re a WWE fan this is the best and certainly the biggest of them all, packing in enough new features to justify the admittedly steepish price. Although, I’ve never been wholly impressed by the “sport”, you have to give the developers credit for producing an epic and highly competitive experience you’ll probably still be enjoying with your mates long after Christmas.
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En una lÃnea diferente se encuentra Road to WrestleMania, un modo historia guiado, estructurado, lleno de escenas, y con cinco caminos a seguir. Se incluyen en esta edición elementos adicionales, como hablar con otras personas, interactuar con ellos, etc. En cierto modo busca plantear esa parte del espectáculo de manera interactiva, pero también hay que tener en cuenta que eso se puede traducir en las -ya clásicas- luchas en el backstage, y es importante, porque cada combate nos da unos puntos que podemos aplicar para mejorar las estadÃsticas del luchador
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The Havoc physics engine has also been tinkered with for the better. Objects can now be put against the ropes for more chaos in the ring. Each object also breaks in different spots when fallen into or break differently when used on the attack. It’s not perfect by no means and still has too much of a bounce. However, more interaction is exactly what we want, even if TLC matches are total anarchy. On that note you can also interact with items like chairs by placing inbetween your opponents limbs for extra damage. These “hotspot†style interacts are really cool and make the in-ring action even more diverse. Beyond that you can also throw chairs at your opponents face, throw your opponents from ladders through tables and even set tables on fire! If Carlito was still on the roster, he would say… “now that’s cool.
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the free roaming can be really cheesy and almost seem low budget at times, but the stories themselves are rad. Who doesn’t want to see Edge and Christian reeking of awesomeness, Jericho getting Pedigreed on a car, or John Cena dealing with Randy Orton’s mind games? Toss in that the Undertaker’s storyline takes WWE SmackDown vs. Raw to places I never thought THQ would, and you’ve got a truly unique mode. There are decisions to make and different paths to go down. Sure, it’s really rough around the edges, but the characters you unlock and the stories you get to be a part of make it cool.
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A fun brawl for all that can provide hours of entertainment with its detailed customisation and in depth multiplayer modes. However, the lack of a decent structured single player and a potentially daunting interface prevent WWE 2011 from reaching its full potential
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Though the online arena can be both enjoyably tough and frustratingly flawed, it’s fun to have access to a wide range of creative output. Those who buy the game new receive a code that grants them access to all the online features, while those who buy the game used have to pay extra for the privilege. All told, Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 delivers the same solid action, extensive customization options, and robust creation tools that the series has been providing for years, making it one of the best wrestling games around. There are some improvements and some new elements, but the core action of the game remains largely the same, and the perennial problems are still present. Those hoping for something more exciting than last year’s fare are going to be disappointed, but if you’re hungering for a fresh serving of ways to explore the world of sports entertainment, then Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 delivers.
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The question is whether or not we’ll ever get the changes this series so desperately needs. Without any form of competition and a legion of hardcore fans, financially is there any reason for Yuke’s and THQ to do anything more? Sales will give us the answer, but for now you can either stump up for the same old game and make the most of it despite the flaws, or make a stand and keep the money in your wallet.
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all of which pretty much went down this or a similar path. I enjoy playing around with all the different creation and storyline-focused options in these titles, but when I actually find myself presented with the concept of wrestling, my enjoyment disappears in a cloud of disappointment. There was a time when this gameplay design worked, and that time was years ago. Undoubtedly stalwart fans of the WWE and this series in particular will find things to enjoy here, but at some point the larger issues that plague this franchise are going to have to get addressed. If not now, then when?
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