Before contact is made with Earth, the native sentient beings are at war on Cybertron. A group of like minded robots form their own faction known as Decepticons under Megatron.
GenreAction Adventure
Platforms xbox360
DEVELOPER High Moon Studios | PUBLISHER Codemasters | RELEASE DATE
Transformers: War for Cybertron Reviews xbox360 review
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I actually wrote a lengthy harangue on the voice acting of everyone outside of Peter Cullen (Optimus Prime), but then whacked it. What was the point? Some of the dialogue is spotty, some of it pretty funny (Brawl had one comment about respect that made me laugh out loud), and I had a hard time getting past the voices of Megatron and Starscream. Yet both gradually worked on me so that by the end of their campaign I was fine with them.
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Transformers: War for Cybertron is not only the best Transformers game next-gen gamers can play, it is also one of the most fulfilling and challenging action-shooters I’ve played in years and a definite purchase, especially if you have any love of the Transformers franchise.
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Playing through the game I had so much positive nostalgia that I popped in the DVDs to watch a few episodes and even dusted off my old toys. The fact that Hasbro is going to make a toy line based on this game alone has me feeling like a 8 year old kid again absolutely falling in love with Transformers once again.
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Fans will also be very happy to hear familiar voices behind the faces of their favorite characters. The voices are very faithful to the original and even include the one and only Peter Cullen in the role of Optimus. There is a lot of conversation and chatter throughout the game, and the voices as well as the attitudes and characters persona match up almost perfectly with how they should..
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Chillingo has brought tower defence to the iPhone with iBomber Defence. Will it keep the enemy at bay, or will its defences be easily breached? iBomber Defence is a pretty standard tower defence game in which you must keep wave after wave of enemies from infiltrating your base. It offers no new ideas, however what it does it does really wel…
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I’ll admit that Transformers: War For Cybertron wasn’t sitting very high on my radar and really surprised me. I was half expecting to get more of the same out of Activision but they made an excellent choice with High Moon studios for this project. High Moon managed to recreate a classic formula in a different medium and make an extremely large amount of fans very happy.
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It’s far from a bad looking game, as I mentioned earlier there are a few set pieces where the game shines, but for the most part WFC falls short in the good looks department. The audio on the other hand is stellar with most audio and voice actors pulled straight from the original cartoon. These essentially aid in bringing the game that much closer to the original cartoon we all have come to know and love. Transformers: War for Cybertron is a strong showing in a flood of poorly handled games based on a franchise.
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It may just be another third person shooter but for fans of the Transformers, this is probably the best video game ever. The homage to the original cartoon series and with the links to the IDW comic series, the developers have successfully incorporated this mythology into their game. When you control the Transformers, it actually feels like how they may interact with the real-world, from the powerful guns that they carry to the way they transform. Even though you’ll knock off the single player campaign quite quickly, the multiplayer aspect has enough grunt to keep you playing. Definitely one for the fans!
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Weapons pack the punch you’d expect advanced robots to wield, and almost every playable character brings a different skill to the battlefield. The variety doesn’t go to waste, either, as firefight strategies are rarely repeated, and mission objectives take on different complexities. The one gripe I have lies with the narrative. While offering a satisfying finale, the conflict at hand doesn’t resolve. It just ends on an odd note, like a movie missing its final reel.
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Transformers: War For Cybertron is damn near everything I would have asked for from a Transformers video game. High Moon Studios managed to create a living & breathing world – I know, kind of ironic for a game about robots, isn’t it – that did justice to the source material. In fact, where the original cartoon doesn’t stand up to the test of time, this game will. War For Cybertron draws inspiration from many other successful games to create an experience that is solid when you play it by yourself but even better when you play with some friends.
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Transformers: War for Cybertron is a run-of-the-mill third person shooter that is dragged along by superb application of the license. The story and use of the Transformers is just about as good as fan service can get, and surprisingly, there are a lot of moments that makes trudging through the gameplay issues worth it. While this may go some way to explaining the discounted prices currently available, there are much worse games being sold for a lot more. Either way, fans of G1 seriously need to consider this game, even just to see the events that led up to the original show.
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Fans of Transformers – real fans, the people with the cartoon series and die-cast toys – will probably get a huge kick out of the story behind Transformers. They might even get enough out of it to overlook the insipid level design, borrowed gameplay elements and sloppy AI. For everyone else though, Transformers: War for Cybertron is less than meets the eye.
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