Rage, utilizes the unique id Tech 5 engine, is set in the post-apocalyptic landscape jam-packed with driving and shooting following the (fictional) impact of 99942 Apophis.
GenreFirst-Person Shooters
Platforms ps3
RAGE Reviews ps3
3djuegos.com review
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ign.com review
Rage’s driving sections accentuate its goofy personality, and further diminish the meager amount of tension built up through story setup and combat encounters. In vehicles you shoot rockets and flip around in armored cars like in a kart racer. The controls and mechanics are surprisingly good, with responsive handling that makes looping around tracks and arena battle modes quite a bit of fun. Against the computer the matches can be dull, but online against others it’s easy to have a good time pelting enemy players with machine guns in a number of modes.
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gamepro.com review
About the only major issue I’ll warn you about is the game’s pacing. Rage tends to peak in the middle, and the ending is a total letdown. You’ll be expecting a nice boss encounter, but everything just abruptly ends at a weird point — almost like the game suddenly realized it ran out of levels. But even as a rental, Rage is a game you should check out, minor issues aside. It ultimately doesn’t live up to the hype, but this wasteland is definitely a fun experience while it lasts.
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gamereactor.se review
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gamerevolution.com review
At its best, Rage is the most varied and engaging experience id Software has ever developed. At its worst, it feels like mowing the lawn after Saturday morning cartoons. There is so much to love in the wasteland, but quests feel like they took a backseat to the engine. Games shouldn’t focus so exclusively on graphics anymore; dedicated design work, not merely a pretty face, can yield an engaging experience for players moment to moment. Regardless, Rage represents the most exciting first-person shooting in gaming bar none. If you’ve got a small dose of patience and a willingness to explore, you’ve got to play this game.
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strategyinformer.com review
At the end of the day, Rage is going to sell by the bucketload due to its remarkable lineage, and there will be armies of fans who will defend it to the bitter end, no matter whether they enjoyed it or not. But for those who will listen: Rage is flawed from the get-go, and by the time it finds its legs, its all too little, too late.
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