PAYDAY 2 has received great reviews across the board and all around the world since launching on 13th August and is also available on Steam priced at £24.99, PlayStation®Network & PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft at £29.99
Platforms pc
DEVELOPER verkill Software | PUBLISHER Codemasters | RELEASE DATE
PayDay 2 Reviews pc review
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You don’t just need skill points, earned by leveling up, to unlock new abilities, there is also a hefty dollar charge attached to every skill. I discovered just how expensive things can get when I decided to respec my level 18 character. All that ill-gotten money I invested in my first Ghost-centric build was gone, and I was completely cleaned out by the time I finished building my balanced hybrid criminal. Friendly advice: Check out all of the skills in each tree and plan your build ahead of time. You’ll wind up saving a fortune.
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As it stands right now, Payday 2, while it won’t be for everyone, is a lot of fun. Although the stealth mechanics are basic, there’s enough strategic depth and teamwork required so that stealthing missions can be challenging, and extremely satisfying when successful. And even if you fail, the often chaotic action when the cops show up can be equally challenging and a lot of fun. While the technical issues are a pity, these can hopefully be fixed; and even with those issues, I still couldn’t get enough and found myself wanting to come back to Payday 2 again and again to get that bigger score.
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Gameplay is often heart-poundingly intense, whether from the anxiety of fearing detection in a stealth mission, the will to survive an aggressive assault in an attack mission, or just the rush that comes from making it out alive and much richer. If you come across a particularly cohesive group of players, don’t be surprised to find time slipping away from you in the pursuit of more cash to stuff in your vault.
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Pulling off a frictionless heist is the exception to the rule in Payday 2, but the tension is still palpable as you try to orchestrate a robbery without getting caught, and the adrenaline flows steadily as you inevitably repel the barrage of police waves while trying to make your getaway. The overly expensive upgrade system and lackluster AI could use some work, but the minute-to-minute action is thrilling enough to overcome these complaints.
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Even with DOA single-player, Payday 2 offers a lot of bang for a below-average asking price. Debuting at $30 on Steam, its co-op action is gangbusters with the right crew of like-minded individuals. Better AI and a few more clever gameplay flourishes could have pushed it into must-play territory, but as it stands it’s still worth putting a team together and hopping in. Just make sure to say, “please crack the safe,†and “would you kindly hand me that loot.†You’re gonna need your buddies around when the heat comes looking for you.
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There is a tremendous amount here to like, and in the thick of battle – as you fend off heavily armoured SWAT teams, the ground at your feet a mess of bags full of loot and downed comrades, your getaway driver imploring you to get a move on because he can’t wait around for ever – the flawed framework couldn’t be further from your mind. But then the mission ends, and the $1.1 million for which you risked life and limb becomes $60,000 in spending cash. You unlock an attachment for a $400,000 gun you don’t own. You level up, and get just one of the four points you need for another skill. These things can be patched, of course, and we hope they will. Because in its current form, Payday 2 is a slog, and it’s no fault of the game itself but all the bloat that surrounds it.
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None of this is to say Payday 2 is bad, just disappointing. None of the improvements or changes add to the experience; even the heists which take place across several days with "branching" sequences become a frustrating chore. (How many times can one idiot getaway driver crash a van?!) Had Payday 2 taken more risks, for example, introducing the ability to turn on teammates to steal their share, a la Kane & Lynch, or attempted a narrative (maybe one that ends with a huge gunfight in the Safe House area that serves as the game’s tutorial) it might have been notable. Instead, it pales in comparison to its predecessor, a far superior game featuring more entertaining heists and little unnecessary padding.
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