Binary Domain puts players in the middle of a fast-paced and intense battle for humanity in robot-invaded 2080 Tokyo. Fighting through the derelict lower levels of the city, players control an international peace-keeping squad that soon starts to question their surroundings and the choices they made.
GenreOther Shooters
Platforms ps3
Binary Domain Reviews ps3 review
Ironically, for a game about the eradication of androids posing as humans, Binary Domain is itself a form of replicant. It convincingly apes the mechanics and behaviours of the best shooters on the market, but its augmentations feel noticeably forced and artificial. Having said that, shearing through robots in a Neo Tokyo setting makes for a nice change of pace within a genre typically populated by alien antagonists and Eastern European enemies, and in all but name this is essentially the best Terminator game ever made. The voice command and trust systems are interesting experiments that yield slightly underdeveloped results, but ultimately Binary Domain doesn’t hang its hat on them – even without the gimmicks this is an enjoyable albeit derivative shooter that any self-respecting sci-fi fan should check out.
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Of course nobody buys a video game just because it represents a good bit of practise for the developer, but this is far more than a just an interesting experiment. It’s one of the most successful mixes of Western and Eastern design philosophies this generation has seen and if the game itself is still only good rather than great, that remains a significant achievement. review
Individually these things are tolerable, but together they combine like a Japanese mecha embodying mild annoyance. Construct, Crapotron-7! Or don’t.
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