Aliens: Colonial Marines™ video game, launching February 12, 2013 worldwide. With a competitive death match game mode already revealed earlier in the year, Escape mode is the second in a number of competitive multiplayer modes for Aliens: Colonial Marines and will challenge players in an intense scenario against the universe’s deadliest killers, the Xenomorph.
GenreFirst-Person Shooters
Platforms pc
DEVELOPER Gear Box Software | PUBLISHER Codemasters | RELEASE DATE
Aliens: Colonial Marines Reviews pc review
It’s not perfect and its visual issues hold it back from unqualified greatness, but Aliens Colonial Marines is consistently fun to play throughout. It’s also the first game in ages to elicit a cry of genuine shock from yours truly the first time a face-hugger came surging towards the screen
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Undoubtedly, it will somehow be addressed with the season’s worth of multiplayer and single-player DLC Gearbox and Sega have announced. So if you really want to find out what happens next, it appears you’ll have to pay for the privilege. Personally, even as a huge fan of the Aliens universe, I don’t plan to take them up on the offer — I can read the answers on Wikipedia without paying to play more of a weak, ugly first-person shooter.
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It should be noted that the 360 build we played (retail, promo code) was much buggier than our PC review build. Stuttering audio, idle enemies and floating geometry were all observed more than once – and these were on top of issues such as NPCs standing in front of turret fire or severe collision problems. While these issues may be patched they’re still unacceptable. If you have the choice, go PC.
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Aliens: Colonial Marines plays like a budget title from early in this console generation. The production values are underwhelming, and there’s very little game present. Those things are enough to make Colonial Marines bad. But the infuriating amount of confidence on display as Aliens: Colonial Marines systematically misses the point again and again is what really poisons the experience. The end result feels craven and exploitative of its source material and the fans that will hopefully know better.
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Multiplayer raises the game’s stock, but not by much. Certainly not enough to be worth the time of any Aliens fan, when there are cheaper, more professionally produced alternatives on offer. This feels like an amateur’s dalliance, not a high profile mainstream release that’s been in production since 2006 and heralds itself as an important addition to science fiction history. It works, just about, and it comes across as a game developed to attain that one lowly goal — to simply work, to achieve the bare minimum quality required to escape being labeled unplayable. The result is something that is, indeed, playable, but nonetheless heartbreaking in its awfulness. review
The game’s key interaction with Aliens canon is an egregious retcon whose hand-waved explanation is so thin it made me laugh out loud. Key sequences are underwhelming or fail outright due to scripting errors – including, for me, the one immediately preceding the game’s limp climax. As a narrative-driven shooter, Colonial Marines is a swing and a miss – it simply doesn’t have the nerve or spectacle to compete at the level it’s being pitched at.
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