Far Cry 3 Gameplay Trailer is Violent, Trippy
A new gameplay trailer of Ubisoft's upcoming FPS Far Cry 3 shows off the game's psychadelic side.
A new gameplay trailer of Ubisoft's upcoming FPS Far Cry 3 shows off the game's psychadelic side.
After completing Syndicate, 25 developers have been laid off by the Swedish developer Starbreeze.
Ubisoft has a launch title for the Vita that you can already buy for as low as $0.99, yet they're charging $39.99
The creator of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus is still working on The Last Guardian despite his falling out with Sony late last year.
Ryu is set to appear in Asura's Wrath as… a fighter?
EA has canceled the promotion to giveaway a free copy of Battlefield 3 with every preorder of Mass Effect 3.
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on...
EA plans to unveil a new Sim title at the upcoming GDC.
A new gameplay trailer of Ninja Gaiden 3 looks like the very definition of awesome.
L.A. Noire is right by the Dark Knight.
In the wake of the closure of the closest thing we had to a new Shenmue game, SEGA announce a Virtua Fighter social spin-off
A fairly hefty DLC pack will be coming to Gears of War 3 at the end of next month.
Responding to a user on Twitter, a Bioware designer explains how it is that an AAA PC title in 2012 can lack an option to use a controller.
If EA ever hear about this idea - selling games before they've begun development - we could be in for trouble.
After a long wait, EU PlayStation users get more PS2 Classics than they could possibly want, especially considering some of the selection...
As with almost any major online launch, some failly major problems are stopping some people from playing Twisted Metal.
Thanks to a rule in Sony's release guidelines, a game without English-language voice work can't be released on Blu-ray disk.
You may already have games for the PlayStation Vita and not know it, how cool is that?
Join in the fun on Steam this weekend, as Modern Warfare 3's online component is opened up to the masses.
Proof, at last, that the people of the internet can't take a joke, semi or otherwise.
The large-scale PvP mode will allow for massive battles between entire servers.
While the developer is no fan of piracy, it cares more about "entertaining as many people as possible."