Tomb Raider Multiplayer Game Modes, Characters and More Detailes Unearthed
Here are more details for Tomb Raider's multiplayer component.
Here are more details for Tomb Raider's multiplayer component.
At last, we're finally getting our Virtua Racing 2/Daytona USA 3/home version of Scud Race
It might seriously be the best PSN sale thus far.
Because the visuals for the simulations they currently use are not up to snuff.
Namco Bandai calls it "the first cross media project" for the franchise.
It's not perfect, but it's better than nothing.
Garry's Mod helps to facilitate more than just player creativity.
So let’s just hope it’s actually good.
People want to play old SNES games on the go, and its makers know this fact quite well.
From some site that you probably never heard of.
You know how everyone loved the first game? Guess what; everyone loves the sequel as well.
The next-gen of gaming might be something completely different, so playing it safe is not such a bad move.
Irate fans want Ninja Theory's DmC banned.
The latest trailer for Naruto Storm 3 shows off Naruto at his awesomest.
Former presidential candidate and outspoken critic of President Obama compares video games to pedophilia.
If you own Mass Effect 3, you'll get Shepard's armor in Dead Space 3.
Community-made maps in Forge are being added into Halo 4's multiplayer playlists.
The maker of FTL explains why he won't use Kickstarter in the future.
The next patch for Black Ops 2 is set to contain dinosaurs, apparently.
Cheaters can become as Neo was in The Matrix by stopping time during the game.
The makers of Syndicate are working on a new co-op FPS called Storm
The opposite is true.
The '90s part of this stuff pack will essentially allow you to recreate Friends
Mew-Genics will feature "cat battles and rumbles"