Dark Souls: One Year Later – Well, Almost
Jacob Saylor returns to the world of Dark Souls a year after its release.
Jacob Saylor returns to the world of Dark Souls a year after its release.
Wesley Copeland expresses why it's unacceptable to grope women at gaming conventions—even when you do it for laughs.
NBA 2K13 may have won out in the battle against EA's own NBA title (which faced numerous development problems and was summarily canceled) but it too has bugs.
No hope left in Capcom for the survival horror genre.
There are surprisingly many classic games which remain inaccessible and unavailable to the modern video gamer.
Pokemon enters the massively multiplayer stage with the fan-made PokeMMO.
The iPhone 5 is a great device for playing games while on the go. With that in mind, we've compiled the best iPhone 5 games of 2012.
It's a good thing, though, that these glitches are relatively minor—so expect them to be fixed very shortly.
It's almost that time of the year where we take a look back at the years past and reflect upon our favorite games.
Here are the five things Borderlands 2 does better than the first game.
Wondering how to find the Minecraft secret level in Torchlight 2? Here's a guide!
Bad Piggies 3 Star Cheat Guide: Are you stuck in Bad Piggies? Here's a few guides to help you through.
Can't seem to find the parts you need to reconstruct Trillbot-4000? Here's some help.
Battlefield 3 comes into its own with Armored Kill.
We've compiled a selection of some the many references and easter eggs in Borderlands 2.
Borderlands 2 glitches and hitches and everything in-between.
Does Torchlight 2 live up to its predecessor?
Mat Jones takes The Wall Street Journal's review to task, stating its active detriment to how games are made.
Phil Owen writes about the venues of potential exploration Mass Effect has to offer in future DLCs.
Here's everything you need to know about relics in Borderlands 2, both basic and legendary forms.
Borderlands 2 class mod guide | cheats for Gunzerker, Assassin, Siren and Commando classes.
Rowan Kaiser observes that ArenaNet's handling of economic exploits in the game's market go against the spirit of capitalism.