James Gunn States GOTG Vol. 3 Will Be “Something Completely Different”
But how different?
But how different?
"September 9th can't come soon enough!"
Some animals are just hard to animate
Let's get down to business...champions business...
Slice of life vs. saving the world.
The King and the Bat
The past is the past for a reason.
Never faced us, not us united
Death threats are never cool
A "prank" that really wasn't.
It's not going to be like the first film.
Emotional about an ending...
Without a doubt, one of the things that made the Arkham series of games so fun to play at times (yes, even Origins and Knight) were that the teams behind the titles did their best to make sure as much of the Dark Knight’s rogues gallery were used in meaningful ways. As well as surprising …
Didn't affect it, "At All"
I...am the knight...and you...are a dog...