Dark Souls 2 Update 1.03 Patch Details Announced for Japan
The official Dark Souls website in Japan has posted details of an update for Dark Souls 2.
The official Dark Souls website in Japan has posted details of an update for Dark Souls 2.
Lead Watch Dogs developer Jonathan Morin comments on various aspects of the game.
Check out the game's version of the city of Chicago.
Kingdom Hearts 3 may be a year down the line, but that hasn't stopped fans from being hyped about it.
You can listen to Omnis Lacrima from Final Fantasy XV here.
Watch as players attempt to hack open this Watch Dogs cargo container, in an attempt to win a PS4.
DriveClub isn't dead, Sony says.
Watch Dogs almost had several of its systems stripped out of the game.
Game developer Tomonobu Itagaki has teased the announcement of Devil's Third.
Warface has entered open beta on the Xbox 360.
FFXIV has been updated with all new content.
Here's an early look at Techland's upcoming game, Hellraid.
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The development on The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is almost done.
The Astronauts are using photogrammetry to create environments in The Vanishing of Ethan Carter.
Microsoft will be implementing a new reputation system for its Xbox Live service on the Xbox One.
GalCiv 3 enters Steam tomorrow.
A Collector's Edition is being sold for Wolfenstein: The New Order.
Celebrate the first year anniversary of God of War: Ascension with free DLC.
New Paragon portraits are coming to Diablo 3.
Here's a simple solution to the trophy syncing bug on the PlayStation 4.
A list of many easter eggs in inFamous: Second Son.
Publisher Square Enix has posted a lengthy blogpost explaining why you should become a subscriber of FFXIV: A Realm Reborn.
With no Error 37 in sight.