Who hasn’t played an installment of The Sims franchise? It’s an iconic game series that began in 2000. Players can watch and interact with a virtual family as they go about their daily lives. However, it is not easy to go back and play the original two installments.
With the first game only released physically and the second game unavailable digitally, fans are essentially left just sticking to the latest installment. However, the folks over at Maxis Games and EA are celebrating the franchise’s 25th anniversary, which might mean new releases for the original first two installments. That might pique some interest in veteran players going back to where it started or getting some newcomers into checking out the original takes on this beloved series.
Kotaku reported that The Sims and the sequel are coming out this week on PC. According to their understanding, the games will also include all the previously released expansions. That should be a big hit for players who have been itching to replay these games. However, this is only a report, as nothing is officially confirmed.
There’s no word yet on whether these games are coming. However, if the Kotaku report is true, we should see something within the week. At any rate, the report only suggests this is for PC right now as they are uncertain if consoles will see the games. We also don’t know if any further enhancements are being made to the games or if they will be released exactly as they were when both initially hit the marketplace.
At the moment, we know that The Sims 5 is not in the works. Instead, the developers are still supporting the current fourth installment. So, if you have yet to pick up a copy, the game was released for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One platforms.