In Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, Starkiller returns with over the top force powers and embarks on a journey to discover his own identity and to reunite with his one true love, Juno Eclipse. Starkiller is once again the pawn of Darth Vader, but instead of training his protegee as a ruthless assassin, the dark lord is attempting to clone his former apprentice in an attempt to create the Ultimate Sith Warrior.
Platforms xbox360
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Reviews xbox360 review
In the end Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II is a straightforward linear game. While it really does not bring anything new to the gaming experience…. It is a very good chapter into this franchise that will please many a fan and gamer alike. We can only hope for another chapter, maybe a bit longer than this game that was finished in an evening of play. There has to be more to this adventure, to the story of Starkiller, as to if LucasArts see’s fit to do another one…well we can only wait and see.
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Any objective loving gamers out there looking at games with easy achievements/trophies favourably will find The Force Unleashed 2 to be a mixed bag. If not concerned with completion percentage you’ll be able to grab the majority within five hours (yes, short), but the last few will be far more time consuming – to the point where you need to recomplete the game on a new obscenely hard difficulty. Thankfully the bulk of the achievements/trophies are good fun to chase, having you needing to complete such things as killing enemies with your force powers X number of times or with X different environmental objects.
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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II takes nearly every complaint we had about the original and fixes it or gives us something better. We finally feel like a proper, force-wielding one-man army. It’s still short and doesn’t take us on a truly grand tour of the Star Wars universe, but the storytelling holds up in quality and fits right in to the existing mythology.
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The Force Unleased II is a good game. However, I would be hesitant to call it a good Star Wars game. The original Force Unleashed did a good job building on Star Wars’ mythos in a way that was interesting but non-intrusive. It presented a simple story that featured plenty of thematic elements seen in both the original and prequel trilogy. However, the follow-up just doesn’t capture the original’s spirit, and that is what ultimately holds this title back from being something great. The action may have been amped up, the cameos may be even more surprising, but the clone-focused plotline just doesn’t do enough to live up to its predecessor’s legacy. Sure, the game is fun. But it could have been meaningful too.
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planetxbox360 review
That said, this game is still a superb weekend rental for the Xbox 360. While The Force Unleashed II doesn’t push new boundaries in enemy confrontations or replay value, it’s still a fun weekend romp, with plenty of enemies to kill and a great cliffhanger ending to wash it all down with. Let’s just hope that the next chapter in the saga uses more development Force.
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The Force powers alone are reason enough for Star Wars fans to give this game a chance – just be warned that the plot holding the action together is awful. If you thought the narrative in the last game was threadbare and inconsistent, you haven’t seen anything yet. The Force Unleashed II has some moments of pure Force-fueled bliss, but the disappointments and missed opportunities outnumber them by far.
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You’ll put these powers to work right from the start — a rousing opener where Starkiller escapes Darth Vader’s thrall by leaping out a (seemingly) miles-high window on the cloning facility of Kamino. From there, the eight-hour campaign sends you in search of former comrades General Kota and Juno Eclipse, and eventually, you’ll wage a tense assault on an Imperial facility. After Force Unleashed’s grand, galaxy-spanning tale — which introduced these great characters and even showed the formation of the Rebel Alliance! — Force Unleashed II’s simpler, less ambitious story is pretty disappointing. The “Are you a clone?†mystery never hooked us, and some of the bigger boss battles drag on way past their prime.
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El Poder de la Fuerza II” tiene comienzo en Kamino, el planeta de los clonadores que vimos por primera vez en la segunda entrega de la trilogÃa moderna, donde volvemos a ponernos en la piel del joven Starkiller. En esta ocasión, parece ser que somos un clon desorientado, de nuevo a las órdenes de Darth Vader, pero sólo hasta que nos damos cuenta de que acabamos de fallar una prueba de obediencia y Vader nos pretende ejecutar. En ese mismo instante conseguimos escapar y comienza la aventura.
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Reviewing The Force Unleashed 2 breaks my heart. As a rabid Star Wars fan who’s gone so far as to tattoo symbols of the franchise on my body, I wanted to jump into another epic story that better fleshes out Starkiller’s story. It’s disappointing that The Force Unleashed 2 not only fails to tell an interesting yarn, but also somehow manages to make the cool combat mechanics feel relatively pedestrian by failing to have enough variation in combat, or enough outside of combat to break up the pacing.
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No Synopsis Available
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Anyone looking to turn off their brain for several hours and spam some buttons as a ridiculously powerful Force user will do fine. Those who respected the first game for its story, or are looking for quality presentation, combat variety and the feeling like they didn’t just get two-thirds of a full-priced product can find better games now in a galaxy much, much closer.
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Story wise, it just doesn’t live up to the first game at all. If you never played the first, you may enjoy it to a point, but you may also be wondering why this simpering ninny is such a feared and powerful Jedi Master. If you liked the first game at all, and don’t mind that it’s mostly just more of the same, that’s fine. But once you realize there’s no story to drive you as before, that’s the worst Jedi Mind Trick of all.
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I had a real soft spot for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, and that’s without even being a fan of the movies. Starkiller is a genuinely interesting and dangerous lead character, and I was excited to see how he evolved and the story advanced in the highly-anticipated sequel. That excitement has sadly been extinguished by a fairly insipid follow-up that does nothing to expand on and improve the original. It’s not a bad game by a long stretch – just a game that’s over in a flash and almost entirely devoid of any memorable moments.
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And while the story isn’t as affecting as the original’s, great voice acting and cinematics help it make an impression nonetheless. Yet with less enjoyable boss battles, less environmental variety, and more enemy repetition, this sequel is a missed opportunity. Perhaps you can’t get enough Force Unleashed; in that case, you could always return to the game wearing one of the unlockable costumes or try out some of the unlockable challenge rooms, which are timed combat scenarios of disparate quality. But Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II is too predictable to inspire extended play time. Rather, it may inspire you to return to the superior original.
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Whatever went down behind the scenes, the result is a game that sometimes resembles a flavorless tech demo for The Force Unleashed – not a worthy successor. While there are certainly pleasures to be had in The Force Unleashed II, they come off as the dregs of a concept that has run its course. The series was bound to exhaust itself someday, but the fact that it happened this early is a brutal disappointment.
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