Staxel is an upcoming “town-life” RPG from a seven-person team of developers and is expected to be released sometime in 2016.
In Staxel, players play as a new villager in the center of a town. From there, players can choose what they would like to do from farming, gardening, cooking, bug-catching, and more. A trailer below showcases the farming/gardening and cooking aspects of the game, along with some villager interaction.
The team behind Staxel recently launched their Steam Greenlight page where you can go to vote on whether or not you’d like to see Staxel sold through Steam’s storefront. The page also includes more videos from early gameplay demos, screenshots, and more.
The gameplay in Staxel appears to be largely influenced by Minecraft’s building mechanics, as well as farming/village life aspects of games like Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing. Other mechanics promised in the full release of the game include dungeons that can be explored for treasure, dynamic seasonal and weather changes, crafting, humanoid villagers (ala Animal Crossing), as well as animals that can be caught and collected.
Staxel does not have a more accurate release date beyond sometime in 2016, so stay tuned for updates.