After ten years of high-fantasy action, the long-running MMO game TERA will be closing down at the end of June, it has been revealed. In a tweet shared by the TERAOnline account, it’s been explained that the game’s developers, Bluehole have decided to end further development of the long-standing roleplaying game.
Further to this, in an update shared by Gameforge, the publisher of TERA, the date for the shutdown of the TERA servers will be the 30th June 2022 at 10:00 AM CEST. The Gameforge update sheds some insight into why Bluhole have made this decision and has also expressed their own apparent sadness at the direction that’s been taken.
TERA’s developers, Bluehole, have decided to cease work on TERA. After much consideration, the team in South Korea have come to the conclusion that they are no longer able to offer you the exciting and satisfying content you deserve. As the last remaining publisher of TERA, it is with a heavy heart that we must respect Bluehole’s decision, and will also have to shut down the game.
It appears that the publisher somewhat shares the disappointment that’s bound to be felt by the existing player base. “Gameforge has happily hosted a great community in TERA for almost 10 years now”, they state in the update, “and would have happily served players even longer, but without the support of the developers, this is not feasible”.
As far as refunds for any purchased or remaining Thaler currency in-game, players will unfortunately not be offered any refunds, but can spend it in the game at any time before shutdown. However, TERA Club members will be eligible for a partial refund after the server shutdown date and are encouraged to contact the Payment Support team after June 30th to arrange it.
In a further blow to the game’s community, all existing TERA social channels will be deleted, and the website and forums will be closed shortly after the servers shut down too. It seems that players will need to organise ways to keep in touch and find themselves a new MMO home for the future.